

Monday, January 30, 2012

WoW Leveling Professions and Addons.

     If your like me you have many alts and leveling professions is a pain. You may have the gold but there are was to do it without spending a ton. I use this GUIDE its the best so far I have found and I have used it countless times. It also has a farming guide I use this for leveling my gatherer or even if I'm just getting the mats for an alts profession. Any leftovers can be sold for a big profit since a lot of old mats sell for more then the new. I would suggest getting a bit more then what the guide says just in case sometimes it takes a bit more to get the skill point you can always sell them if there not needed.
As for Addons Im just going to make a list.
these links are for the addon at

DBM (deadly-boss-mods)  Timers warnings a must for heroics and raids also works in BGs

Recount This is nice to have to see you and your groups DPS

Decursive This is also a must for any class that can dis spell. It has warnings and bars to click to dis spell.

Reforgenator This is also a must for reforging your gear.

Dominos I use this for my Bars and key binding some people prefer Bartender

Atlasloot is not a must but its nice to have it just shows items you can get and where. It has event items also

Droodfocus This would have to be the single best addon for a feral Druid.

Fortexorcist A must for an affliction warlock good for any other class that wishes to watch there dots. Timers

These are just a few I mainly use and a few are a must if your playing heroics or raids. I do use other addons for economy I will get into them later. I wanted to get the most important ones out the way.

I just want to add one more thing I have also been using this guide for raids. Icy-Veins


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