

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Us under geared 3 manning VoA
    Well I talk to a buddy of mine yesterday and he is wanting me to get back on the Warcrack. It also looks like that Halo Tournament we were supposed to play in has fallen apart. With all the new games coming out and I don't have a way to keep up with them at this moment I could be going back to WoW. I know I said I didn't think I would have the time to do Xbox and PC games but I will find away. I will Still be on Xbox also don't get me wrong.

I play on The Venture Co right now its a PVPRP  server I do not RP the only reason I play on that sever is because I have a couple of friends I grew up with are on there. I used to play on Mal'ganis I have a 82 Prot pally, 81 Mut Rogue, 80 MM Hunter, and some 70s on Mal'ganis. On Venture Co My main would be Wigglês he is a 85 Druid I have Gear for Feral DPS/Tank, Heals, and Boomkin. I also have an 85 hunter who I farm with and I just hit 85 on a Warrior. The bad thing is I really want a rogue again and I'm not paying the $25-35 whatever it is to move the one I have. I moved my warlock to Illidan she is geared the people I moved it there to play with do not play anymore so she just sits.

I do enjoy playing with Wigglês I PvP as feral Im working on getting PvP healer gear. I MT Firelands but I just get bored with tanking Id rather DPS or heal. Feral DPS gets a little old also there's a lot of waiting on energy and some boss's you are unable to get behind like Ragnaros. Im not sure about the new raid I haven't done much in it yet. I really like Boomkin the add control you can do, the range, and the big crits makes it my favorite. If I do come back to WoW it will be next week I can give tips on how to make gold and what I use to level professions. Also spec and rotations/priorities and addons.

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