Well, I'm vary excited about Guild Wars 2 Ive been looking for a change for awhile now and it will soon be here. Warcraft has changed so much and I don't like the way there going it seems there trying to hold on to the players by making everything so easy. You can invite someone to play and they will start with a level 80 !?!?! Are you kidding me their enough players online now that don't know there class/role. I was healing Grim Batol the other night and the warrior tank in un-gemed PvP gear thought it was a good idea to go arms and pull a whole room and try to Bladestorm them down :( . Moments later after we all rezed he just walks off the edge and falls to his death and yells "FAIL".
Its time for a change and Guild Wars 2 is it look at the graphics there so nice that's what we could be playing WoW is out dated there just trying to milk it for everything it has left. And the fact the whole triad thing is gone Guild Wars 2 will not be like WoW in a que for 45 mins waiting on a tank or heals. Also the targeting system is awesome and the fact you can evade incoming damage. Ive been watching videos on Youtube and watching the site on updates and I can not wait. I missed out on the beta but your able to join it if you pre purchase a copy on the 10th of March . I will be trying to keep this updated with video's and link's I find.
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